What is better veneers or crowns?
If your tooth has a large filling, a root canal, or is very worn or cracked, a crown is likely the best option. If your tooth is basically intact and the restoration is for cosmetic purposes, a veneer may be the best option. Veneers can also be used for minor shape corrections.
Do veneers ruin your teeth?
One of the most asked questions we receive at Excel Dental Center about porcelain veneers is if they ruin your teeth. As one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments, we receive this question quite often. Simply put, the answer is no. Porcelain veneers don't ruin your teeth.
Do crowns on front teeth look natural?
Dentists create the crown so that it looks as natural as real teeth. In most cases, dental crowns look natural due to the talent of the particular dentist. Once a dental crown is placed upon an original tooth, it is usually difficult to distinguish between the crown and the rest of the natural teeth.